The Living Seas What to Look for... Contents Part 1: (The main part of The Living Seas pavilion) Contents Part 2:
Films, Computers, & Hands on Exhibits
These are some highlights to remember
When you approach The Living Seas pavilion, the first thing you'll see is a rocky shore line. Every few seconds a large wave will come crashing from behind it. If you're lucky, you may even catch a some of the mist from the wave on your face to cool you off. The words "The Living Seas" are printed boldly across the front of the rock face - you know that you're in for a treat just by looking at it. Enter The Living Seas pavilion just behind the rock - follow the waves setting sun on the side of the building. (The waiting areas is known as the queue: Disney refers to all parts of its parks and stores in theater terms - so the queue is a waiting area. You are literally waiting to "go on" as a participant in a magical production) As you walk into The Living Seas pavilion you will see models, posters, and other exhibits on the history of diving. Take some time to check these out (you may have plenty of time depending on the season). I really enjoyed them. There are diving helmets, a diving bell, and exhibits on Disney's 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. The "queue" at the Living Seas is one of the best in Walt Disney World. Enjoy! After the short PreShow movie, you enter the Hydrolators to descend to the underwater world of Sea Base Alpha. Please do Not over analyze the Hydrolators. They are part of the magic and I think they are delightful! One of the neatest parts of the ride at the Living Seas is going UNDERNEATH part of the aquarium. Don't forget to look up on your journey. You'll see the underside of the fish! Okay... it's better than just fish bellies. What you'll actually see is sharks swimming overhead, rays gracefully sailing above you. And if you're really lucky you may see a dolphin while on the ride. I did. It was the first dolphin I saw at the Living Seas.
Once Inside The Living Seas the true Magic begins... Although words will never be able to describe what you'll find in The Living Seas, here is a brief glance into what you'll discover.
The main aquarium is the largest in the world. I could sit there and just watch for days. There is no place on earth I'd rather be. I'm telling you it's beautiful. There are literally thousands of "residents" at The Living Seas. Aquatic life such as Dolphins, Manatees, Sharks, Rays, and various fish of all kinds. There are scheduled Dolphin presentations and discussions and every half hour divers enter the tank. (Sometimes they show off more than the fish!) The main tank at The Living Seas is the ideal place to unwind during your day and to spend every spare second. Every inch of the pavilion is new, exciting, and most of all, refreshing.
Other than the main tank, The Living Seas has wonderful smaller aquariums with various themes and purposes. One of them sparked my interest in fish keeping. All I've ever wanted since, is a salt water tank with Sea Anemone and Clown Fish. The smaller aquariums are colorful, informative, and well put together. Along with other aquariums, you will find a Mari-culture Lab that shows techniques in raising various sea life - a "cast member" is usually there to explain the exhibit and to answer questions. The Living Seas has a Beautiful Manatee tank with three manatees. At the manatee exhibit, you'll be able to watch a video of a manatee being born at The Living Seas. On the upper floor of the manatee exhibit there is a "cast member" on hand to answer any questions you have about the manatees or just to chat about them. It's a tremendous feeling - watching these beautiful (big) animals swim about. You can enjoy them from above looking down into the water or across from them through large acrylic windows. One of the most captivating animals on the planet is the dolphin. They are a exceptional combination of playfulness and grace. Watching the dolphins at The Living Seas is almost a healing experience. They will delight your heart. Throughout the day, there are dolphin presentations - the dolphins get a chance to play, the guests can sit and enjoy, and a "cast member" will give a discussion on dolphin behaviors, sounds, involvement with researchers, and take questions. *There are also dive tours and dolphin tours available* Don't miss out (like we did) call (407) WDW-TOUR for more information
Films, Computers, & Hands on Exhibits
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